Friday, March 1, 2013

Here for a moment

You said "I am"
and unfurled creations plan
You said "come light"
and drove back the blackest night
"Come follow," you called

So here I am, just like you said
I am risen from the dead

I come to life in your light
breathing in your spirit
I move and dance and sing your praise
I breathe you in and live again
I am only here for a moment

You said "it's done" 
but my work has just begun
You said "live love
just like your Father does"

I hear your word and know the truth
and I want to love like you 

I come to life in your light
Breathing in your spirit
I move and dance and sing your praise
I breathe you in and live again
I am only here for a moment

We're all here for a moment

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