Monday, April 15, 2013

At least it was all just a dream

They crashed the glass; we screamed at them to stop,
but they just kept intruding, so we hid. 
I wound up in the kitchen calling cops,
but I did not stay put like Kristen did. 
Beneath the table, on the kitchen floor, 
I saw the long and sharp and deadly knives
and grabbed one. Creeping, silent, door to door
my fate was simple and laid out: their lives
were forfeit when they broke into our home. 
But would the Sheriff come in time? Who knew? 
With knife in hand, I'd make a stand alone
and keep this house protected from the crew. 
I found them all and killed them with great ease
and not a struggle came as I dispatched
the four invaders, pretty as you please. 
Police arrived, I knew I was no match
when they accused me: murder in the first. 
I plead my case but was denied reprieve.  
Insanity was my defense and curse
when I was instituted for belief 
that people in a home with family
have obligations to defend their own. 
If those who die are crippled mentally
then all my arguments are wrong it's shown. 
Because they didn't understand the crime,
it turns out I'm the one who is doing time. 

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