Thursday, April 11, 2013

the land of the young beyond the edge

In the land of Tir na nOg
the rivers of fire flow
betwixt the dustrish trees
from which the pollen blows. 

Beyond imagination's border
lies these fabled halls. 
Faerie, monster, troll and elf
all dwell within the emerald walls. 

The eyes of man cannot perceive
nor would wish to see
the horrible beauty of the land
called Tir na nOg by Bri. 

The dustrish trees grow long and lank
and settle in the dark
along the banks of Fire Falls
which homes the Diamond Shark. 

The pollen from these trees,
they say, will rot your eyes
by forming with a curious light
the shape of truth and lies. 

The things unseen in that dustrish grove 
are forbidden for man to know
because the man had banished them
from his mere and mortal home. 

In the land of Tir na nOg
Imagination is their queen:
She who blesses and creates
the horrid and stunning things. 

Her mountain palace, rife with gold,
houses more than splendor 
as every thought that man begets
will find their start and end there. 

The things that we create,
but banish as too silly
have gone to Tir na nOg before us
and and established their own city 

So are you friend or foe 
to the fair, far things?
Did you send them on a wonderful trip
or rip apart their wings?

In the land of Tir na nOg
river of fire flows
and deep within its magmous depth
the traitors to their art are thrown. 

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