filled with a small, funny people
that doesn't know the dark of hate
Stop on by the Green Dragon Inn
and carouse with all the hobbits
Grab yourself a pint and a seat
Hear the tale of the Bagginses
'There and back again' as they say
To what and where and when we know
of dragons and mountains and gold,
of dwarves and elves and men so brave
of power, of wizards, and war.
Turn the ages back to the past
when under hill and under stone
bravery still existed.
Set your mind back to Shire time,
to Bilbo and the Company,
to Frodo and the Fellowship.
Come with me to Moria's mines
and the dwarves who dug too deeply
and lost their homes and hoards and lives.
Stop by the Misty Mountain halls
where Thorin son of Thrain once ruled
and reclaimed the halls from great Smaug.
Hear the echoes in the deep dark
of hammers, picks, and forge bellows
and marvel at the dwarven works
That shield a steel class warrior
that fights against the orcish fiend
that bears the red eyed Mordor shield.
Turn your face away from the sky
to the deep and dusty tunnels
to treasure hidden in the earth
to gems and mithril and silver.
to treasure hidden in the earth
to gems and mithril and silver.
Set your mind back to Shire time
to Thorin Oakenshield and friends
to Gimli friend of Legolas.
Come with me to elven forests
lit with golden luminescence
that sparks with motes of purity.
Stop in Rivendell for a while
and rest among the ancient groves
amid the kind house of Elrond
Hear the wisdom of the fair folk
and their tales from the western sea
where everything is forever
in the light of stars and moonshine
in the depths of pewtered forests
in the ancient western homelands.
Set your mind back to Shire time
to fair Arwen Undomiel
to the Lady of Lorien.
Come with me to Gondor's city
and marvel at the works of men
who built their fortress white and strong.
Stop a while at Rohan's expanse
and hear the horselords' wild charge
as they stand to defend so proud.
Hear the war cries of their armies
and the snap of their wind blown flags
as they amass for one last stand
against the darkness from the East
against the towers united
against the evils that threaten.
Set your mind back to Shire time
to Boromir the brave hearted
to Aragorn the one true king.
Set your mind back to Shire time
to the Hobbit's Tale: There and Back
to the Fellowship of the Ring.
Come with me to elven forests
lit with golden luminescence
that sparks with motes of purity.
Stop in Rivendell for a while
and rest among the ancient groves
amid the kind house of Elrond
Hear the wisdom of the fair folk
and their tales from the western sea
where everything is forever
in the light of stars and moonshine
in the depths of pewtered forests
in the ancient western homelands.
Set your mind back to Shire time
to fair Arwen Undomiel
to the Lady of Lorien.
Come with me to Gondor's city
and marvel at the works of men
who built their fortress white and strong.
Stop a while at Rohan's expanse
and hear the horselords' wild charge
as they stand to defend so proud.
Hear the war cries of their armies
and the snap of their wind blown flags
as they amass for one last stand
against the darkness from the East
against the towers united
against the evils that threaten.
Set your mind back to Shire time
to Boromir the brave hearted
to Aragorn the one true king.
Set your mind back to Shire time
to the Hobbit's Tale: There and Back
to the Fellowship of the Ring.
love it, especially since I'm a massive Tolkien fan